Wild Fizz Kombucha Workshop
River Cottage Food Fair
Sunday 27th May 2018, 11:00am
Price: £12.00
I'm afraid this event has already occurred. Let's not live in the past - find an upcoming event!
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About Wild Fizz Kombucha Workshop
Come and join Gina, the founder and brewer of Wild Fizz Kombucha and learn how to make your very own Kombucha.
After years of suffering from IBS, Gina had her first sip of Kombucha in America. It made her feel well and energized again and so went back to the UK and set up the Wild Fizz brewery. She's never looked back.
Check out their booch & her story on www.wildfizzkombucha.com
As part of the River Cottage Food Fair, Gina will give you the skills to become a master brewer yourself.
During the session she'll take you through the entire process of making Kombucha and also give tips and advice as to how to keep it alive, how to make it taste nice, how to flavour and to store it.
The session cost includes a SCOBY & starter for you to take home and set up your own personal fermentation station as well as a bottle of Wild Fizz Kombucha.
Each session can only take 10 people to keep it cosy and friendly.
Get ready, get set, ferment!
Terms & conditions for Wild Fizz Kombucha Workshop
To be able to partake you need to have purchased River Cottage Food Fair tickets.
River Cottage Food Fair
River Cottage HQ,
Park Farm, Trinity Hill Rd, Musbury,
EX13 8TB