PERE UBU Moon Unit Ubu's Shock Troops On A Mission
Saturday 3rd December 2022, 8:30pm - 10:00pm
Doors open: 8:00pmPrice:
(£12.80 including booking fee)
I'm afraid this event has already occurred. Let's not live in the past - find an upcoming event!
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About PERE UBU Moon Unit
** This has now sold out but if you find you can't come and still have a ticket, please contact communex and we will find it a new home as we have a waiting list. **
Doors around 7.45pm - Show starts 8pm, ends by 10pm. Entry is by name against our allocation list so don't worry if you can't find your ticket.
Pere Ubu's Shock Troops, The Moon Unit, are on a series of 'intimate' gigs in a town that can take the heat. Seats are very limited. Full details of who and how at
Do Expect Songs You Didn't Know You Knew. Don't Expect Art.
12 Sidworth Street,
London Fields,
E8 3SD